
2024 burston School strike day

We will have a stall at this event which commemorates the longest strike in history and celebrates people who fight for our rights, education and democracy. We will also take our banner on the march. Come and join us!

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Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 16.43.26

2023 AGM & TALK

Our AGM was in November 2023 and we held a talk by Andrew Boswell alongside it. See below.

Dr Andrew Boswell's talk

This was about the environmental and climate impacts of four massive road building projects poised to devastate countryside around Norwich, which would destroy precious wildlife habitats, increase development pressures and generate more traffic 'needing' further road building.

Andrew is an environmental consultant and climate activist living in Norwich who campaigns on high carbon infrastructure including roads and energy plants.  He is well known for launching a legal challenge against the dualling of the A47, arguing the government had failed to properly consider the impact which cumulative carbon emissions generated would have on its net zero commitments.

He was a Green Norfolk County councillor between 2005 and 2017 and was on Norwich City Council for 4 years, and Green Party group leader on both councils.

On 18th Oct permission was granted by the Court of Appeal for Dr Andrew Boswell to challenge the granting of development consent for three new, nationally significant road schemes in Norfolk, on the grounds of the Department for Transport’s and National Highways’ failure to properly consider the three schemes’ combined impacts on climate change. The case went to the Court of Appeal on January 16th and was sadly lost.

Dr Boswell first challenged the granting of development consent for the three schemes in the High Court in May 2023 [2]. Justice Thornton dismissed the challenges in July 2023.

Summer 2023 burston school strike

We had a stall at this yearly event in Burston and took part in the march around the village

jan 2023 retrofit event wymondham

This event was on Wednesday 25th Jan - more here

seed share stall 2022

We were in Wymondham during the Big Green Week delivering newsletters to residents and had a stall in the town centre.

We shared seeds and met residents and anyone who happened to be passing!

Seed share stall 2021

We had a successful stall in Wymondham to mark Great Big Green Week on 25th September. We were offering seeds saved from flowers and vegetables grown by local people.

We canvased people's views about local issues and found there is great concern about the huge amount of housebuilding around Wymondham without adequate infrastructure consideration.

Swapping or sharing seeds connects people in the community and encourages connection to nature and our food. Seed saving is important for seed sovereignty and is a silent form of activism against a system dominated by 4 mega corporations.

Creating a living seedbank of a diverse selection of local seeds will give great resilience to climate change.

GP satll Wym Sept 2021 Me & Vic

councils stop funding fossil fuels

On 3rd November 2021, as world leaders were taking part in the UN’s climate talks in Glasgow, our members campaigned outside the council offices in Long Stratton, This was part of UK DIvest protests across the UK to demand that our local leaders divest from fossil fuels and instead invest in climate justice and a safer future for us all.
Latest data shows shows that Norfolk County Council still has £118 million invested in pension funds.
The orange X symbolised this action.
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